As you can see, I have orgenized the resources in several groups.
Sound resources:
Italian tenor In this link (italian tenor) you´ll can find the sound added below. This kind of music (traditional italian voice) is very useful because we would like to develop a performance, starring by the students, called "european day" in the school.
Italian tenor mp3
Video resources:
We would like to use this kind of tools/resources (ICTs) in order to show and transmite, in a realistic way, the main and relevant information about the culture of the countries that our e-project is going to talk about.
In this expample you´ll can see one of the most important volcanos you can find in Italy (european country).
Etnas volcano
Other video resources that includes interesting information (places and views) we can use in our project would be the next:
A piece of Italy
We are going to use lots of images in order to show the students how, the country they are working with, is. Here you have one example: the wonderful Fontana di Trevi
Other tools/resources: webs sites, apps, "cultural browsers"...
We are going to use all kind of tools and resources that can help us to motivate the student and teach all the information, this project includes, in order to be able to develope it in a funny and a practical way. Here you have some of this tools we´ll use:
-"The complete one" : This app includes all kind of information about the countries we are going to work with. This link show you how to learn a little bit of italian but that´s not all, if you insert the name of the country you will find varied information about it. That´s a great source of information very useful for our project
-Details about your country This is a great web where you can find lot of details about the country you want. Let´s take a look!
-The kids news "browser" This app./tool provides diverse information and games where children can check the knoledge they have acquire related with the project.
-Let´s search This great tool offers a lot of images and very useful infromation realted with our topic. You only have to write the country you want to know about and...enjoy! :)
-Let´s learn and play! This app. provides diverse information and games where children can check the knoledge they have acquire related with the project.
The e-project PLE
Talking about the tool we have selected in order to create the mind map of our e-project, we have to say that this tool is "Prezi".
Why Prezi? Because we think that is an innovative resource that allows us to work together and online at the same time.
Prezi is a visual and funny tool that provides us lot of possibilities in order create a great mind map. Here you have a light idea about our project. And remember, that´s just the beginning.
Our mind mapWebmix
Here you have my webmix. I have used the tool called symbaloo because it is allows us to create virtual desktops including our favourite web sites in them. I expect you enjoy.